Slow Down!

on Monday, 07 May 2012.

Eat Slow

Slow Down!

eating fastMany people have daily habits that sabotage their ability to lose fat. In addition to these obvious habits, there are also some less obvious habits stunting fat loss.

One of these bad habits is eating too fast. I witnessed someone the other day cut every piece of food on their plate before shoveling the entire meal down in a really short amount of time. If you are someone who does this ritual at most meals, you need to think about the effects it can have on you.

Digestion starts in your mouth. The action of chewing mixes natural enzymes in your mouth to start breaking down food before it goes into the stomach and eventually through to your digestive tract. The smaller you can break down the food in your mouth, the more your body will be able to utilize all of the nutrients in each bite of food. Here is the fact that you should remember: To properly break down food, you need to chew each bite 25 to 30 times. I know this sounds excessive. It sounded high for me when I first learned about it eight years ago at a seminar. The instructor told us all to try it that night so for dinner I ordered a 6 ounce steak. After chewing each piece of meat 30 times or so, I ended up not being able to eat the whole thing. I became full quicker. If I would have cut each piece individually and shoveled piece after piece into my mouth, I would have eaten twice as much in half the time. The average person will chew each bite 5 to 6 times. Your brain needs 20 minutes to register that you are full. If you are putting your fork down after every bite and taking the time to chew each bite properly, it should take about 15 to 20 minutes.

This issue is not only about your habits, it is also a lifestyle issue. If you are use to eating in your car on the way to work, you are probably scarfing food down mindlessly. Eating meals really should be about preparing good quality food and sitting down and enjoying it. I know you are thinking, "get real Tim, my life is way too busy to sit down and enjoy my meals". I can relate, but just give it a try. While eating try putting your fork down and chewing 20 to 30 times. You will become leaner and your immune system will get stronger because of the nutrients your body is now absorbing.

Tim Gojich
(661) 325-0900 | 701 19th Street | Bakersfield, CA 93301 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.