How to Improve Exercise Performance with Solid Nutrition

on Wednesday, 21 February 2018.

How to Improve Exercise Performance with Solid Nutrition

Proper nutrition to fuel your exercise is often overlooked. In fact, many people look at exercise as a way to "erase" their poor nutrition choices. Would you purposefully put the wrong fuel in your car before a long road trip? Not likely. So why would you eat the wrong foods before and after your workout? Just like having the right type of gasoline for your car, your body needs the right fuel for optimal performance in the gym.

At Fit for Life, we have a variety of classes that work to improve all aspects of your physical health. Our Fat Loss class helps you burn body fat through longer duration exercises, as well as increase your muscular endurance. Metabolic Blast stokes your fat burning metabolism and improves your overall fitness level. Sculpt and Tone, as the name suggests, will help you to build muscle through laser focused strength training.

While these classes are geared to give you the most bang for your buck, proper nutrition is the foundation to achieving your own personal health goals. If you feel stuck, your pant size isn't changing, or your body composition hasn't shifted in a positive direction, there is a good chance your nutrition needs a tune up.

In addition, if you have noticed that you don't have the same level of fitness that you use to, or maybe you are dragging yourself through one of our workouts, it would be wise to look to your nutrition first. Rarely do I see people who have poor workout performance with a solid nutrition plan. Our Fit for Life X-Treme Fat Loss Meal Sheet, which has recently been revised to reflect our new Time Restricted Eating Plan, is the perfect set up for improving your nutrition while burning fat and increasing exercise performance.

Designed with performance and fat loss in mind, the Fit for Life X-Treme Fat Loss Meal Sheet is your guide for not only burning body fat and staying lean, but also killing it in the gym. If you are not motivated by losing fat, know that good nutrition will make your workouts more enjoyable and successful. Many times while working with clients, their strength and endurance increase by simply working on following the meal sheet. It is the consistency of sticking to the meal sheet that produces the results you are looking for no matter which goal you are trying to achieve.

If you have used the meal sheet in the past and still need help understanding how to set up your meals, consider scheduling a nutrition session with Tim or I. Just one, one-hour session can set you up for success for the long haul. If you feel you need more attention and need help with accountability, we have a more frequent session plan where you can get the attention and accountability you need.

To schedule an appointment with Tim or I, call the front desk at 325-0900 to check our availability. We have morning and afternoon time slots available! 

Shane Hubbard

(661) 325-0900 | 701 19th Street | Bakersfield, CA 93301 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.