Artificial Sweeteners and Time - Restricted Eating

on Monday, 29 January 2018.

Artificial Sweeteners and Time - Restricted Eating

Are Artificial Sweetners Safe to Use?

Reports have come out in the past that artificial sweetners are bad for your health and that you should avoid them at all costs. The issue with those reports are that they were vague and lacked creditable resources. In fact, many of the meantioned claims were subjective, meaning they were not proven with measurable or repeatable results. 

As it turns out, the amount of artificial sweetners you would have to consume for it to be harmful to your health is about the amount you could fit in a bathtub! The drinks you are consuming, like diet coke, zero-carlorie energy drinks, and the like dont have anywhere near that much artificial sweetner in them. That being said, there are healthier options for artificial sweetners when available that we recommend you consume.

Can I Use Artificial Sweetners During My Fasting Time?

Yes! Because artificial sweetners are not broken down by the body like foods or sugar, they do not break your fast. This is great for those who consume coffee or tea in the morning and want a little bit of sweetness to cut the bitter taste. Remember that artificial sweetners are often 100 times sweeter than sugar, so you do not need a lot. We recommend using 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of coffee or tea.

Which Artifical Sweetners To Use

While we don't want you to go mad trying to have the best quality artificial sweetner, it is important to have healthy options when available. Some restuarants might have natrual artificial sweetners like Stevia, but most will have Equal, Nutra Sweet, Sweet & Low, or Splenda.

Stevia (Best Source)

Stevia is a natural sweetner that has zero calories. You can add this to your coffee or tea without losing the sweetness. Because Stevia is so highly concentrated, it is best to use in small amounts.

Other common names for stevia products are Truvia and Pure Via


Splenda is another common artificial sweetner you might find in drinks or even foods. Like many other artificial sweetners, Splenda is very sweet, so you don't need a lot of it when using it in coffees, teas, or even in baking. It does well when exposed to high temperatures and wont lose it's sweetness when put in hot coffee or tea.


Aspartame is the most used artificial sweetner out there. You can find it in most diet sodas and zero calorie energy drinks. While not a natural source of artificial sweetner like Stevia, it interacts with the body the same as with other artificial sweetners. One thing to know about aspartame is that it will lose it's sweetness when put in hot liquids, so keep this in mind if you are going to put it in hot coffees or teas.

Shane Hubbard

(661) 325-0900 | 701 19th Street | Bakersfield, CA 93301 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.